The Dog and the Dragon

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An ordinary dog sees a majestic dragon flying and decides to become one, attempting to have scales, talk like humans, and fly, though he fails at every attempt. Despite his failures, but thanks to his tireless attempts to become the best, the dog saves a baby from a tragedy. However, the dog still believes that he has failed in his dream of becoming a dragon.
Courage and greatness do not depend on being something you are not, but on accepting and embracing who you are. You don't have to be great or majestic to do meaningful things; sometimes, being authentic and compassionate is what really matters.

ShayndlArt is a fantasy enthusiast who enjoys creating digital artwork. She is a huge fan of Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere, and many of her illustrations are based on the author's works. Shayndl loves to share her artistic process on her social media.

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