Shipping policy

1. Shipping cost:

  • A standard shipping rate will apply. This fee will be calculated based on shipping distance.
  • We offer free shipping to Spain for all orders over €70.

2. Delivery times

  • Delivery times may vary depending on destination. Shipments are generally delivered within 2-3 business days after order confirmation.
  • We will provide you with a tracking number once your order has been dispatched, allowing you to track your package in real time.

3. Shipping areas

  • Currently, we ship to Europe.

4. Shipping process

  • After placing your order, you will receive an email confirmation with the details of your purchase.
  • Once your order is processed and ready for shipping, you will receive a second email with the tracking number.

We appreciate your preference and trust in Diamood. We are here to make sure your shopping experience is as pleasant and hassle-free as possible. For any questions or concerns related to shipping, please do not hesitate to contact us at