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¡Qué no nos pille! (Don't let him catch us!)

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Álvaro Torres

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  • 50cm x 60cm
  • 88 colors
  • Includes 2 jelly, 1 AB, and 2 Mystical shine !
  • 42000 total diamonds
Diamond type: Square
Will little Mike manage to avoid being caught by Santa Claus? Otto seems to be in the mood to play! If Santa finds out and takes the presents...

This fun Christmas scene is full of colour and joy, capturing the excitement of Christmas Eve. The star shines in the dark, and the moon shines like a sun thanks to its aurora borealis diamonds.
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Álvaro Torres

Álvaro is a freelance illustrator from Barcelona who has studied a degree in illustration and 4 years of graphic art at the Joso School. During his career he has worked drawing in countless fields, such as video games, music, comics, books and even t-shirts.

Unboxing by IzziePaintingDiamonds

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Noelia Guardiola
Navidad divertida

Muy chulo. Me encantan los lienzos de este autor.

¡Gracias por esas 5 estrellas Noelia! Definitivamente Álvaro es todo un artista y nos alegramos mucho de que os gusten sus ilustraciones.

Nati Mas

Cuando lo recibí me encantó, no es como los de siempre, por eso lo compré, la calidad buenísima, como todo lo que haceis


No es el típico cuadro de Navidad y por eso lo elegí no me ha defraudado nada y estoy encantada con la elección

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